specializing in adult & pediatric ear nose and throat disorders.

specializing in adult & pediatric ear nose and throat disorders.

specializing in adult & pediatric ear nose and throat disorders.specializing in adult & pediatric ear nose and throat disorders.specializing in adult & pediatric ear nose and throat disorders.

call our office today to make an appointment.

Appointment: (305) 691-2550




Ear nose and throat doctors treat ear infections and remove impacted wax or objects that have become lodged in the ear. They also treat patients experiencing tinnitus (ringing in the ears). 



Ear nose and throat doctors help patients with a wide variety of nose and sinus problems, including chronic rhinosinusitis (a sinus infection), and fungal sinusitis. 


Throat / Neck

Ear nose and throat doctors repair the larynx and are instrumental in detecting (and removing) head, throat and mouth cancers.


Man snoring while sleeping

Restricted airways can lead to a potentially dangerous condition called sleep apnea. Ear nose and throat doctors may prescribe a sleep study to determine the best course of treatment.


Hearing aid

Ear nose and throat doctors work closely with audiologists to determine the cause and best treatment options for hearing loss.


Allergies, sneezing, blowing nose

Ear nose and throat doctors not only prescribe medicine for allergy problems, they also determine the cause of the allergies. We often use immunotherapy (“allergy shots”) to help patients build up a tolerance to allergens and reduce troublesome symptoms. 


About Us

Dr. Scott Goldberg

Scott H. Goldberg, M.D., FACS


Dr. Scott Goldberg entered private practice in Otolaryngology in South Florida in 1989. South Florida Magazine has named him one of the “Top Doctors in South Florida”. Dr. Goldberg has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Miami. Dr. Goldberg has been active in the Greater Miami Ear, Nose and Throat Society, serving as their previous President. He has also been Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery for North Shore Hospital and Medical Center.

The Physician Assistant Peter Molina

Peter Molina, PA-C

Peter Molina is a Cuban-American, board certified Physician Assistant who graduated from Miami-Dade College in 2018. He has lived in South Florida for over 30 years and is proud to refer to himself as a South Floridian. He is fluent in both English and Spanish. He is most proud of being able to serve in the very community that he was raised. Peter believes that every encounter with a ear nose and throat patient is an opportunity to impact their lives in a positive way. 

Ear nose and throat staff for Dr. Scott Goldberg

The Team

Our mission is to provide you with personalized, high-quality care. We are dedicated to improving and maintaining your health through preventative care and treating of ear nose and throat chronic diseases. 

Contact Us

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The care you deserve.

Please send us a message, or call us for an appointment.

Fax any documents to (305) 696-4610


Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm